Best day of the trip (So Far)

OK, I’m backtracking a bit with this one.  Back in Jordan, we took a tour of the Wadi Rum valley and spent the night out in the middle of the desert in a Bedouin Village.  It was a great combination of scenery, the raw fun of riding in a 4×4 and sleeping in a tent (I’ll refer you back to the post on the Cave Hotel) and most of all, the company.  I had a good group with people from all over that got along well and had already been together for a week.

Our wheels

The morning views.

Lunch in the shade, followed by a group nap (no picture of that-I was asleep too!)

The afternoon views.

Home for the night.

Starting dinner (cooked underground with hot coals).

Sun getting low . . .

. . . and lower . . .

. . . and once night fell,

dinner was served.

2 thoughts on “Best day of the trip (So Far)

  1. Mike:
    I am enjoying your trip; your summaries make one feel like they are there with you.. I think you may have a furure as an author, so keep on writing and we can publish a best seller when you return.
    Uncle Tom

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